in cranes would have the power of side pulling puts added stress on ropes and
other crane components and sets the stage for hazardous load swing when we
wholesale them from overhead crane supplier
China. And the zbcranes hook centering feature automatically eliminates
side pull of loads.
the principle for the crane’s hook? Actually, hook centering is based on
measurement of the rope angle. If the angle exceeds a preset value when the
hoist starts to lift a load, the hook will work for that to keep the safety of
the crane. Generally speaking, side pull occurs when a hoist lifts a load that
is not placed directly underneath it. Side pull from China gantry crane
manufacturer causes extra stress on different crane components such as
the wire rope, rope guide and drum. It can also cause uncontrollable movements
of the load, which is a safety hazard for the surrounding area. The crane
operator turns on hook centering with the selector switch on the radio
controller. After that, the feature is always on in every lifting situation.
the same time, movement upwards is limited. When the crane and high quality hydraulic lifting platform
and load are vertically aligned, lifting continues normally.