
2 “W” and 1 “H” for LED lights

Every product selling by suppliers has brand, logo, special material, design and so on. How could we recognize, like LED light from stage lighting manufacture China for example, so many different products and find the right one for our use? For this, there are some basic elements for us to figure out the truth of the product.

I’m your angle when you are in darkness. I’m your light angle when you in night. Yeah, you are right as I can bring your light in night when you eat dinner. I will bring your light when you work at night. I will bring your light when you kids reading at night. When you buy cheap and practical automotive lights, I will bring your light when you drive at darkness in the dark sky. Under this situation, I think light is the most important factor for your have to choose me from the market. And this is the essential reason for you to choose me at your office and home and car and so many places.

Where do I find you in the market and how do I recognize you when you are here? Please see high quality flashlight in the market. 

