
How to choose high quality filter bags

According to experts, they would know the products are good or not once they touch and feel the material of the product. Then some customers would ask how could we chose high quality of filter bags from filter bags supplier China? Here are some key points for you guys.

The properties of the filter bags include physical, mechanical, chemical properties, filtration performance. These properties depends on the physical and chemical properties of fiber filter, the filter structure and manufacturing process. First of all, we need to pay high attention to the weight and thickness for the polyester waterproof filter bags wholesale. Weight is generally referred to as cloth weight, refers to the weight of one square meter of the filter. As the filter material and its structure is the most intuitive reflected in the weight, so the weight has become the most basic and most important indicator of the filter performance, but also an important factor in determining the price of the filter bag.

Thickness is one of the important physical properties of filter media, the permeability of the filter and wear resistance have a great impact. Under this situation, we need to focus on weights of bagfilterschn's glassfiber filter bags too when we buy it. 

