
Why we choose dust filter bag

Some customers would ask the question that why I have to choose dust filter bag as there is glass fiber dust bag from filter bags supplier China. Comparison would give us the best answers when you do some comparison between them. Here I want to show you some details about the difference of them.

Compared with glass fiber dust bag, its resistance, fracture resistance and peel strength has increased significantly, may bear high filtration load. Filtration rate of up to 1.0m / min or more, and low running resistance. That is why so many customers would choose them from polyester waterproof filter bags wholesale if they knew the differences. Compared with the high-temperature synthetic fiber filter media to overcome the fiber filter elongation, deformation, low temperature, poor corrosion resistance weaknesses; better product dimensional stability, strength, and the price is lower than other high-temperature chemistry fiber.

If you need bagfilterschn's glassfiber filter bags, come to us and we will give you best service and products. 

