
How to choose a LED grow light

A: Can you pick some fashion shoes for me?
C: Good, this is good for your skin and shape.
A: So easy for the dressing picking. I’m troubled for the LED grow light choosing from LED grow light manufacturer China recently. Can you give me some good advice about it?

It is worth noting that reading the description for these LED lights choosing as you should choose the LED grow light according to your special plant. We should to know that each plant has its character and we need to follow the basic rules to choose the good LED light for it. It suggests that there are two separate modes for vegetation and flowering stages by listing two separate light spectrum requirements for each stage. Then, you can buy the relative LED grow light from Led grow light waterproof 30W wholesale for your plant. All of the LED's remain on at all times during operation. Also, the manufacturer suggests a maximum continuous running time of 16 hours a day. I have ran all of mine for 18 hours a day for several weeks at a time with no issues. This is another choice for the plants too.

Last but not the least, we know that led for plants price would be another consideration for the LED lights choosing. 

