
Homemade pet waste cleaning bag site

Homemade pet waste cleaning bag site

These days in Taiyuan city’ Nanshahe community residents can see some boxes in greenbelt. These boxes are in same color with grass, and on the box there is a yellow dog pattern shows its function. Many people see these boxes carefully, and found that in these boxes there have many tidy bags, and in the bottom of boxes there is a sentence—“Please take these bags for your pets and wastes are not placed in there.”

These boxes are for pets. And these boxes are gradually popular in internet, residents took photos for these sites and send them in friend circle in Wetchat. These boxes are made from a high school student. He learned that many places in China have no pet cleaning bags site for pets, and many streets are in a mess because of pets’ waste. So he made some boxes of pet cleaning bags site. This creative idea is supported by his mother and he designed this box, sent design to factory.

These boxes help street cleaner’s work and make streets more and more beautiful. There are many pet waste cleaning bag supplier China. Pet cleaning bags boxes will improve more convenient and suitable for pets need.

