
“Smart city "open a new chapter in LED display applications

2016 was the first year of thirteen five-year plan, with the continuous development of human society, how to use the new technology products to create a scientific and rational "smart city" has become the focus of public attention.

Smart City is to use information and communication technology sense means testing, analysis and integration of critical information to run the city core of the system, and thus a variety of needs including people's livelihood, environmental protection, public safety, city services, industrial and commercial activities, including making intelligent response. Its essence is the use of advanced information technology, management and operation of the smart city, thus creating a better life for the people in the city to promote harmonious urban and sustainable growth.

With the starting work of “smart city”, LED light suppliers China catch up the trend and seeking more opportunities to promote their products. Combined with powerful integrated management platform enables: ad serving remote real-time updates, paperless media, in the public transportation system to achieve the implementation of the Road Traffic publish, vehicle station, station, fault information; public safety system implementation: rapid emergency treatment, timely evacuation crowd, maintain stable social function.

